Saturday, March 13, 2010

I'm on Etsy!

After much debate, I finally made the move...

My pieces are available on Etsy now!

Visit to purchase a piece from my collection!

If you don't see a piece that you're interested in, or if it is already sold, please Email me and I can make a replica!

Happy Shopping!

Kate DeKoster Handmade in the News!!

I didn't know so many people still got the newspaper...

My Mom excitedly brought out a paper that her coworker had given her because he saw "Kate DeKoster" listed in an article. Sure enough, I turned the page and there was a large photo of my "Franchesca" Headpiece!

After receiving the first article, I had 4 more people bring me a copy...turns out a lot of people do in fact still read the news!
How exciting!

GR Unveiled

This past Thursday I showcased my items at a wedding show at St. Cecilia. GR Unveiled was a splendid little wedding show for local vendors in Grand Rapids to showcase their "goods"! It was a huge success thanks to Aletha VanderMaas and Joy'l Ver Heul the lovely ladies who dreamed the whole thing up! We had a great turn out and I got to meet so many brides-to-be!

I unfortunately (and fortunately) was too busy and forgot to snap a few pics of my display and the rest of the show! :( sad. Hopefully some of the photographers got some great pics that I can snag!